Introducing our new cloud based portal software allows residents, business owners and contractors to apply online and have direct digital access and updates from zoning for their projects. They can check the status of zoning certificate applications, apply to meet with the board of zoning appeals or register concerns about the township online, while also including additional documentation such as files, site plans or pictures. To access the new Community Zoning Portal, click the Community Zoning Portal link on the left hand menu below or CLICK HERE
Jeff Whytsell - Zoning Inspector
3111 Hilton St. NW
Massillon, OH 44646
Ph. 330-833-2141

Zoning is the regulation of the use of land and buildings that permit a community to control development. It provides for orderly growth by protecting residential and commercial property from harmful use on adjacent properties. Ohio law provides for the submission of a zoning plan to electors of a township and includes provisions for the adoption, administration, enforcement and amendment of the zoning plan.
Perry Township Trustees may regulate building and land use in unincorporated territory for public purpose. For the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, and morals, the Board of Township Trustees may, in accordance with a comprehensive plan, regulate by resolution the location, height, bulk, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures, percentages of lot areas which may be occupied, setback building lines, sizes of yards, courts, and other open spaces. Please refer to the Zoning Resolution Book link on the left for more information.
Requirements for Zoning Permits
A Zoning Permit is required if you are constructing, enlarging, renovating, building a garage, shed, fence, pool, and signs. If you have any questions whether a permit is required, please contact the Zoning Department at (330) 833-2141. Permits may be obtained at the Perry Township Hall, 3111 Hilton Street NW Monday through Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM. You may also apply for a permit by completing the appropriate form in the Community Zoning Portal. A completed Zoning Application and the valuation of the construction to be completed will always be required.
You will need the following:
New Construction:
- Site Plan showing location of building on property, setbacks, driveway, dimension of property
- Construction Plans
- House Numbering Slip
- Sewer guarantee or septic permit from health department
Additions, Accessory Buildings, etc.:
- Site Plan Showing location of existing building, setbacks, dimensions of property
Additional Information for Accessory Buildings is available at Perry Township Hall or in the Zoning Resolution Book.
Two Family or Multi-Family new construction may require review by Stark County Regional Planning Commission if not in a platted subivision. Contact RPC by calling (330) 451-7389.
You will need the following:
New Construction:
- Two site plans showing location of building(s), setbacks, parking, dimension of property, landscape strip or bufferyards, driveways, etc.
- Two sets of Construction Plans
- Sewer Guarantee or EPA approval
- House Numbering Slip
- Approval from Stark County Regional Planning may be required.
Additions or Alterations* Need:
- Two sets of construction plans for additions and residential/commercial conversions
- Two site plans
- Fire Department Approval
*Conversion of a residentially-built building to a permitted commercial use will require additional fire or building department inspections and reviews and possible review by Stark County Regional Planning for driveway and parking lot modifications.
Building Permits:
Building permits are required for commercial and some residential construction. The Stark County Building Department is located at 7235 Whipple Ave. NW, Suite A., Canton, Ohio 44720, and should be contacted to determine if a permit is needed for your project at (330) 451-1770.
Health Department:
Septic permits for new construction are required in areas where sewer is not available. The Health Department also requires the review of any addition to a structure located in an area where septic is used. To determine if the location of your addition or alteration will affect your existing septic system, contact 330-493-9904.