Regular Meeting

Regular Meetings 

 The Perry Township Board of Trustees meets in Regular Meeting format on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM.   

The meetings are held at the Township Hall located at

3111 Hilton Street NW

in Massillon. Regular Meetings include reports by Department Heads, the Law Director, and the Township Administrator.  The public is welcome to offer comments during the Public Speaks portion of the agenda on township related matters.


Perry Township Board of Trustees


Regular Meeting


June 2, 2015  7:00 pm




Call to Order/ Pledge of Allegiance:


Excused absence:  Lee Laubacher, Trustee


 Additions/Deletions to Agenda:  None.


Trustee Chessler stated that he would like to make part of our record tonight, a congratulations.  The Board has received a memo that is dated today and we are very pleased to know and pleased to report that the Ohio Fire Chief’s Association has recognized our Fire Chief Martin as the recipient of the 2015 Distinguished Service Award.  Trustee Chessler indicated that this is presented each year to an individual who has performed outstanding services to the association as well as to the Ohio Fire Service in general.  Trustee Chessler stated that we will send Chief Martin with our good wishes for his official recognition of this honor at the President’s Reception and Banquet which will be held in Columbus later on this summer. 


Trustee Chessler stated that our Chief has always been involved extensively in educating others in fire science and has always been on the cutting edge, not just of the street work, but in the education aspect of it.  Trustee Chessler stated that we are proud that he has finally been recognized for that and congratulated him again on behalf of the Board for this achievement.


Public Hearings/Invited Guests:




Public Speaks on items up for Board Approval: None.


Township Business requiring Board Action: None.


Unfinished Business:   None.


New Business:


Trustee Chessler made a motion to approve bills in the amount of $148,203.93 for the week ending May 26, 2015 and bills and payroll in the amount of $232,616.25 for the week ending June 2, 2015  for a combined total of $380,820.18; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.


Fiscal Officer: 




Fire Department:


Consider Authorizing to Advertise for Bids to Sell Fire Apparatus


Trustee Chessler indicated that the Fire Chief has presented to the Board members a request for authorization to advertise for bids to sell fire apparatus.  One of the items tonight and per Chief’s memo that outlines his request of two (2) items to sell.  Trustee Chessler inquired of Chief Martin if other than the information contained in the memo, if there was anything else that we need to know about the request.  Chief Martin confirmed that there was not. 


Trustee Chessler stated with regard to the first item makes a motion that the Board authorize the Chief to take the steps necessary to advertise for bids to sell certain fire apparatus owned by Perry Township; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


Trustee Chessler verified of Chief Martin that the bid specifications will identify the items to be sold.  Chief Martin stated that was correct.  Fire Chief Martin indicated that we will try a number of different venues such as and some of the professional trade magazines.  Trustee Chessler indicated that they would leave it to the Fire Chief’s discretion to establish a time frame for which the bids can be submitted.  Fire Chief Martin confirmed that request.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.


Consider Accepting Resignation of Nathan Ritenour


Trustee Chessler stated that Fire Chief Martin has also asked the Board tonight to accept the resignation of Nathan Ritenour; the Board has also received a memo from Chief Martin regarding Nathan Ritenour’s  failure to complete the probationary requirements; apparently he has turned in his turn out gear and indicated that he is resigning from the fire department.


Trustee Chessler stated that based on that information makes a motion to accept the resignation of Nathan Ritenour; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.


Police Department:


Consider Hiring Joe Letta FT Officer


Trustee Chessler stated that we have the pleasure tonight to offer employment.  Trustee Chessler stated to Police Chief Pomesky that he knows that the discussion of our personnel and increasing our ranks has been a topic for some quite some time and asked if he would please outline the process and his recommendation.


Police Chief Pomesky stated that he would like to recommend the hiring of Joe Letta of Tallmadge, Ohio as a fulltime police officer for Perry Township.  Mr. Letta is a graduate of the University of Akron with a degree in political science.  Upon completing the required training to become a police officer he has taken a part time position in the Tallmadge Police Department and has gained valuable experience.   Chief Pomesky indicated that there has been an extensive background check through our agency in the last several months and has really showed through the entire process; they have talked with all of his employers, each one of them has given him glowing recommendations and spoke highly of him.  Chief Pomesky stated that the Police Department is requesting the Board’s approval of the hire of Joe Letta as a full time police office for Perry Township with a $1,000 uniform allowance per year at a starting rate of $18.36 per hour as outlined in the collective bargaining agreement.


Trustee Chessler invited Joe Letta to please come forward and proceeded to administer the oath of office and asked for his signature on the oath of office forms.  Trustee Chessler indicated that Administrator Fetzer would notarize Officer Letta’s signature.  The Board extended their congratulations to Officer Letta.


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board affirm the hiring of Joseph Letta as a full time police officer with the Perry Township Police Department effective June 19, 2015 at a starting rate of salary of $18.36 per hour and he will also be entitled to a $1,000 per year uniform allowance and all the other benefits as provided for the contract; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.


Road and Park Department:


Consider Road Maintenance Specialist


Trustee Chessler stated that the Board has previously discussed and had an opportunity to speak with the Road Superintendent about the staffing levels; Jeff Radsick had retired earlier in the year and we have just received notice that Randy Bates will be leaving the department effective at the end of June and we know that the work load in the Perry Road Department has not waned and we are in need of increased personnel.  Trustee Chessler indicated that the Board has also previously discussed when the opportune time was that Mark Johnson, a current valued employee of the Road Department, was seeking full time status.  Trustee Chessler verified of Road Superintendent Masalko that this was still his recommendation to have Mark Johnson considered as full time status with the Road Department.  Road Superintendent Masalko confirmed that it was.  Trustee Chessler stated that this would then be an effective date of July 1, 2015. 


Trustee Chessler verified of Law Director Hall since this was a continuing employment but changing status.  Law Director Hall indicated that the motion will be July 1 subject to the Collective Bargaining Agreement.


Trustee Chessler stated that based on prior discussions and the memo presented by the Road Superintendent, made a motion that Mark Johnson’s status with the Perry Township Road Department be changed effective July 1, 2015 to be a Road Maintenance Specialist subject to the terms and conditions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.


Consider Awarding the First Round of Paving to Superior Paving and Materials, Inc. in the Amount of $379,533.80


Trustee Chessler stated that the Board previously solicited for and received bids for our Road Resurfacing; there were three (3) bids that were referred to the Road Superintendent and Law Director for review; those amounts quoted have been provided to the Board in memo form; the lowest submitted bid was that of Superior Paving in the amount of $379,533.80.  Trustee Chessler verified of Road Superintendent Masalko if this was his recommendation and also verified of Law Director Hall if the bid would need specifications.  Mr. Hall confirmed that was correct.  Trustee Chessler confirmed that we have worked with Superior Paving in the past and added that they are a business that is in good reputation with us.  Road Superintendent confirmed that was correct.


Trustee Haines inquired of Road Superintendent Masalko when they would be able to start the paving.  Road Superintendent Masalko stated that he would call them tomorrow and indicated that the approximate start time would be sometime in June.


Trustee Chessler stated that Fiscal Officer Schlegel had just informed him that our loan money that we applied for in the amount of $1,080,000.00 has been received.


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board of Trustees accept the bid of Superior Paving and issue a notice to proceed; the contract to be in the amount of $379,533.80; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.


Consider Discussion of Meredith Park Timber Proposal


Trustee Chessler stated that we are going to continue our discussion on timber and the trees in our parks.  Trustee Chessler indicated that the Board has a memo of May 29, 2015 that was submitted by Road Superintendent Masalko who is also the Park Superintendent.  Trustee Chessler indicated that he would ask both him and Trustee Haines to weigh in on this proposal and what we are considering.


Road Superintendent Masalko stated that there are some troubled trees behind Pine Hills allotment that are in rough shape and they fall over into the properties of Pine Hills.  Mr. Masalko stated that for the last four years, they have been out to cut these trees down and added that in discussion with Trustee Haines, have explored the opportunity of logging this property and thinning it out a little; and in the meantime, cutting the bad or dead trees out along with some of the good trees.  Mr. Masalko added that he met with an arborist on the property and a timber proposal was submitted commencing in approximately 60 good trees that they could use reaping a benefit of $4,800.


Trustee Haines added that in the last several years we have had to go out, because so many trees have fallen, the property being a part of Meredith Park.  Trustee Haines indicated that instead of paying somebody to come in to clean up those trees each spring for us when they fall, this will thin out the woods and give the other trees an opportunity for more space and air. 


Trustee Chessler verified that this would be through Roy Miller of Troyer Lumber; Road Superintendent Masalko stated that was correct.


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board enter into an agreement with Roy Miller of Troyer Lumber, LLC based on the bid that he submitted dated May 26, 2015 for sixty (60) trees that the Township will mark and verify the bid to include a payment of $4,800.00 for those sixty (60) trees to the Township; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


Trustee Chessler stated that he will also note that in Mr. Troyer’s proposal that we can contract for more trees later on should the need arise along the same price lines.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.


Law Director:  None.




Consider Discussion of Hiring a Part Time Zoning Assistant


Trustee Chessler stated that this next item is one that comes to the Board with some previous discussion.  Trustee Chessler stated that in regard to Trustee Laubacher’s absence, the Board did not want to make any formal or final decisions in regard to this matter.  Trustee Chessler added that per discussions with Zoning Inspector Weckbacher the Board is aware of the Zoning Inspector’s inability, during many times of the year, to keep up with the flow of work that is coming in, both on the zoning side, the inspection side and the co-compliance side to get done all of those responsibilities.  Trustee Chessler also added that individual discussions with the Board members and Fiscal Officer have previously taken place.


Zoning Inspector Weckbacher stated that in the month of May he started out with 47 permits for the year and at the end of May the permits totaled 100.  Zoning Inspector Weckbacher indicated that in addition to the complaints that come in daily, he is unable to get to everything adding that he is behind on the complaints.  Mr. Weckbacher indicated that he did not know what the Board would consider, a part time or seasonal person to help keep up.


Trustee Haines inquired of Zoning Inspector Weckbacher if he previously had a chance to put anything together as to what he would be able to delegate to a part time or seasonal employee that would help him the most.  Trustee Haines further inquired if it would be going out to assist with complaints or remain in the office to help with permits.  Trustee Haines added that it would be a lot to train someone on the entire job of zoning inspector all at once.


Mr. Weckbacher indicated that at this time, it would be most helpful for someone to be able to go out within the Township, that is familiar with the Township, to get to the complaints and see where they are as well as the posting of the vacant properties for high grass.


Trustee Chessler indicated to Zoning Inspector Weckbacher that it seems as though the Board would be in favor of the proposal and asked if he could identify the areas where the help would be most needed and craft that into a form of a job description.  Trustee Chessler stated that we could circulate that and do a target search in the way of a general solicitation to others that might be interested.  Trustee Haines indicated that it would be helpful if Zoning Inspector Weckbacher could be specific as to what the job responsibilities would be.  Zoning Inspector Weckbacher apologized and stated that he should have included the job description that we already have for an Assistant Zoning Inspector.


Trustee Chessler stated that we are getting to the time of year where things are growing and the problems are not going to subside and added that he would like to move sooner rather than later.


Fiscal Officer Schlegel indicated that Zoning Inspector Weckbacher had previously inquired in regard to the General Fund, where the funds for this position would be coming from.  Mr. Schlegel stated that as the Board is aware, we received $21,300 from the State that was unexpected and Scott also received an extra $7,000 from an internet café that was unexpected.  Mr. Schlegel stated that if the Board would hire somebody part time using the 28 hours and we give them $15.00 per hour with the benefits, it would come to $21,840 for one (1) year adding that this would be under the extra money that we have received.  Trustee Chessler verified that there would be no net loss to the General Fund.  Mr. Schlegel stated that was correct.


Trustee Chessler stated that we are at the point of the year where we need to address this quickly and inquired if there were any suggestions on how we can get a list and move with the interviews and get somebody hired within the next couple of weeks.


Trustee Weckbacher stated that he was not aware, at this time, of anybody that would be interested.  Law Director Hall indicated that he had a couple of thoughts that he would like to discuss with the Zoning Inspector. 


Trustee Chessler stated that we have had enough discussion that concludes that we are not keeping up with the things that we need to and there is support for this idea and again emphasized that we need to act upon this sooner rather than later. 


Fiscal Officer Schlegel stated that a correction of $25,869 would be the amount for one (1) year for a part time or seasonal Assistant Zoning Inspector, that is with PERS and benefits.


Trustee Chessler inquired of Administrator Fetzer if we could put some information on the website in regard to interested parties applying for a part time position with the Zoning Department.  Administrator Fetzer confirmed this request and added that in the past we have also utilized Stark State College as a resource for job postings.  Trustee Chessler confirmed that we should use all avenues for an employment source.


Executive Session(s): 


Department Matters Not Requiring Board Action:


Administration: None.


Fire Department: None.


Parks/Recycling: None.


Police Department:


April Statistics


Road Department: None.


Zoning: None.  


Law Director: None.


Upcoming Events:


~2nd Annual Taste of Perry Community Event – Saturday, June 6, 2015 from Noon to 8:00 pm, Hartwick Park.  Enjoy Food, Jewelry and Art Vendors~Entertainment~Family Fun and Community Pride!  Noon to 8:00 pm at Hartwick Park.  Event sponsored by Aqua Ohio.  No charge for admission.  Visit for event details.


Public Speaks-Open Forum:


Scott Wuchnick, 180 Perry Drive – Mr. Wuchnick stated that last month we had discussed the truck and trailer issue on the west side of Perry Drive and added that he knows that the Law Director had submitted a letter to the Stark County Commissioners in regard to this matter and inquired what the status was.  Mr. Hall indicated that he has had no contact nor reply on this matter.  Mr. Wuchnick indicated that this neighbor has opened a catering/barbeque business and added that is where all these trucks and trailers were coming from.  Mr. Hall indicated that with the Board’s consent, will contact Mr. Brambuth, the County Administrator tomorrow to follow up on this matter and added that he would suggest that Mr. Wuchnick do the same.  Mr. Wuchnick briefly indicated that he spoke with someone at the county and they indicated that they had received a copy of Mr. Hall’s letter regarding this matter but they could not do anything about this until they were notified by the Trustees.  Mr. Hall indicated that he would follow up with this and Trustee Chessler assured Mr. Wuchnick that they would keep him in the loop as well.


Skip Blend, 6676 Westwood St. SW – Mr. Blend stated that he spoke with Gary Conner of the Stark County Engineer’s Office and to Trustee Laubacher in regard to the house they built on a lot last year.  Mr. Blend stated that there is a storm drain that runs on the corner between their property at 6676 Westwood and 6690 Westwood.  The water runs east and west and down the street and drains into a basin which runs a pipe into their yard.  Mr. Blend stated that it stops about 40 yards down into the yard and drains into the yard.  Mr. Blend inquired of Law Director Hall if Trustee Laubacher had spoken to him about this matter.  Mr. Hall stated that Trustee Laubacher did speak briefly to him about this; that this was an off-road drainage situation.   The Board briefly referred to the on-line photographs of Mr. Blend’s property.  More discussion took place in regard to this matter and Mr. Hall stated that he is of the opinion that this is a private, off road situation that the homeowner will need to address with the   builder.  Mr. Hall stated that he knows that this matter was discussed between Mr. Connors and Schumacher Homes during the time of construction. 


Trustee Haines indicated to Mr. Blend that he could give him Joe Underwood’s contact information; he is with Stark County Regional Planning and he works for the county as a subdivision engineer.  Trustee Haines stated that Mr. Underwood would be a good resource.  Mr. Blend stated that everybody is saying it is not their issue, the township, the county.


Trustee Chessler stated that this is a significant problem but indicated that somewhere along the line it fell off the rails and added that Joe Underwood would be the person to start with and have that discussion with.  Trustee Chessler indicated that when this builder came up with this set of plans to build these houses on this area he is supposed to go to Regional Planning and they are supposed to apply standards for drainage to make sure things like this don’t happen, and it happened.


Law Director Hall indicated that it was unfortunate that Trustee Laubacher was not here this evening because he has a good historical knowledge on this matter, but added that we can follow up with this.  Mr. Blend stated that Trustee Laubacher has met him out at his house numerous times.


Mr. Hall indicated that this is really a private property owner and builder’s situation and added that even though to run a pipe into the stream isn’t terribly expensive, it is also not something he could recommend to the Board because it is outside of his jurisdiction.


Trustee Haines indicated that Mr. Underwood would direct Mr. Blend in the right way and added that it might not be the answer he wants, but he will tell you in regard to Regional Planning, what was supposed to happen with the drainage on that lot; and if it didn’t happen, what recourse you would have with them.


Mr. Blend thanked the Board very much.


Vicky Piconne, 1203 Fairlane Ave. SW, Canton – stated that she has been a resident of West Manor for a very long time as well as her neighbor and they are concerned about some of the things that are going on in their area.  They just learned that the house next door is condemned because there is mold and it is on the market for $50,000 and of course is bringing down their property values.  Ms. Piconne stated that they had gone to their association meeting and they indicated that they should come here to the Board of Trustees meeting to find out if anything else could be done.  Vicky stated that she had asked about the by-laws and whether there was code enforcement for other properties in the neighborhood that are facing the same thing; we are seeing a lot of vacant homes and homes that are being rented to people and when they up and leave, the homes are deteriorating and added that they are worried about what is going to happen to the neighborhood.  Ms. Piccone stated that West Manor did have a president of the homeowner’s association, but that person no longer lives there and that has pretty much gone by the wayside from what she understands.  They want to find out what things they could do to try to get the neighbors to clean up their properties.


Trustee Haines inquired what the address was of the vacant home.  Ms. Piconne stated that it was 4524 12th St.


Trustee Chessler stated that there is nothing any governmental entity can do to keep a homeowner from renting their property.  Perry Township is a township, we’re not a city, but we have enacted an exterior maintenance code that deals with certain things such as grass and exterior conditions.  Trustee Chessler stated that we also can be an advocate with other agencies such as the health department and stated that maybe we could assist with contacting them or you could contact them to see if this is creating a health hazard; the exterior conditions and the health department are two things that we can do.  Trustee Chessler stated that he doesn’t know if it would be worth a renewed effort to see if the homeowner’s association could be reconstituted here because that is the only place in Perry that had an active, ongoing and somewhat effective homeowner’s association to fill in the cracks of the things that we cannot or don’t do in other places.  Trustee Chessler stated that as far as the conditions of an abandoned property, we try to find the representatives of the financial institution that holds the note and try to make them accountable to the neighbors surrounding them for the condition of the property.   Trustee Chessler added that we can go down through a list of things to try to address this particular property.


Ms. Piconne stated that this particular property is a property of HUD.  Zoning Inspector Weckbacher stated that if this was possibly an FHA loan and HUD takes over, there are different representatives that he could forward letters to have this cleaned up; if it was condemned for mold, the health department was probably involved in this matter. 


Trustee Chessler asked Ms. Piconne if after the meeting, she would please give our Zoning Inspector her contact information and they would pursue the two or three things that we can do with regard to that.


Sean Howley, 3001 Sheila St. NW, Massillon – stated that he wanted to thank Trustee Haines for taking his issue into consideration and fixing their road the day after he called, thanks to the Road Department as well. 




With nothing further to come before the Board, Trustee Chessler made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:48 pm; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.






Craig Chessler, President                                                                             Joe Schlegel, Fiscal Officer