Regular Meeting

Regular Meetings 

The Perry Township Board of Trustees meets in Regular Meeting format on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM.   

The meetings are held at the Township Hall located at

3111 Hilton Street NW

in Massillon. Regular Meetings include reports by Department Heads, the Law Director, and the Township Administrator.  The public is welcome to offer comments during the Public Speaks portion of the agenda on township related matters.

Perry Township Board of Trustees

Regular Meeting

November 10, 2015  7:00 pm


Call to Order/ Pledge of Allegiance:

Excused absence:  


Additions/Deletions to Agenda:  None

Public Hearings/Invited Guests:

Trustee Chessler stated that he would like to take this moment to inform you and make a record that we are going to start a slightly different process for Public Speaks tonight; you will notice here to my right that we have a lectern; we have noticed from time to time that people care to address the Board and have documents that they have brought with them or refer to and that will aid in that.  We also have a new recording system and we have microphones down near the podium so that the folks wishing to address the Board can be audible and that can be transcribed more easily.  Sometimes there was difficulty when people spoke from the back of the room; the process will remain the same and when you do rise to engage in the Public Speaks portion, I will ask, for our record and for our Fiscal Officer, that you please state your name and your current address so we have that as part of our record of this evening’s proceedings.   

Trustee Chessler added that one other thing that we are doing in connection with the new process of speaking from the lectern tonight is that we will have a sign-up sheet so that we do have that information at hand about the name, address, contact phone number if you would like to leave one and the general topic of your remarks. 


Public Speaks on items up for Board Approval: None.

Township Business requiring Board Action: None.

Unfinished Business:   None.

New Business:

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board approve bills in the amount of $91,727.41 for the week ending October 27, 2015 and bills and payroll in the amount of $269,125.49 for the week ending November 3, 2015  and bills in the amount of $15,932.10 for a combined total of $376,785.00; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.

ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.

Fiscal Officer: 

Consider Approval of 9/01/15 and 10/20/15 Meeting Minutes

Trustee Haines made a motion that the Board approve the minutes from September 1, 2015 and October 20, 2015; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.

ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.

Trustee Chessler referenced the Board’s utilizing the supporting documents by way of their Surface pads and indicated that each Board member saved approximately 50 pieces of paper.


Consider Authorizing Payment of Completed Rowmont Pavilion Improvements as Donated by Perry Rotary

Trustee Chessler stated that the Board has previously authorized and approved that the Rowmont Pavilion in Perry Park be renovated and improved; this was a project that was also underwritten in portion by the Perry Rotary who provided a generous $5,000 donation for that; we have received that; the Board has agreed, because it is a Township park, to underwrite the balance of the cost which is $4,985; that work was quoted by Riggs Construction.

Trustee Chessler stated that he will ask if there is a motion to approve the payment to Riggs Construction in the amount of $4,985.00, so moved by Trustee Laubacher; Seconded by Trustee Haines.

ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.

Fire Department:

Consider Job Posting of Full Time Police and Fire Vehicle Technician

Trustee Chessler stated that we had been informed previously that Zack Bergmann, our police and fire vehicle technician had taken another job.  Trustee Chessler stated that this is a position of vital importance to us to have our fleet of vehicles maintained and repaired in-house.  Trustee Chessler indicated that there was some discussion during our last meeting in reference to this matter and asked Trustee Haines if he would please update us on this.

Trustee Haines indicated that at the last meeting he had brought up that maybe we could do some consolidation and look at consolidating road, fire and police.  Trustee Haines stated that just the amount of service that goes on out at the road department and he also takes care of all the small engines for all the park equipment, there is not room for consolidation of those departments at this point.  Trustee Haines stated that at this point, he recommends that we move forward with hiring the fire and police vehicle technician.  Trustee Haines stated that Chief Martin has put together the duties and responsibilities.

Fire Chief Martin stated that this would be your standard job description with qualities we would like to see in the person who fills that position along with the starting wage. 

Trustee Haines stated that if he may make the recommendation that this is for both our fire and police vehicles wherein Gary Swisher is our maintenance supervisor.  Trustee Haines indicated that he would like to see if whether both the Police Chief and Fire Chief and because of Mr. Swisher’s knowledge of what it takes to work on vehicles, have him be a part of the interview process and once they get it narrowed down,  (wording unclear).  Trustee Chessler stated that he would agree whole heartedly.  Trustee Chessler inquired of Chief Martin if there are trade journals or other mass publications that we could advertise in.  Chief Martin indicated that he was not sure about trade journals but added that Stark State College has a very robust automotive program so that will be one place and then probably one of the papers and also on the website; this will give us a pretty good outreach at that point.

Trustee Laubacher indicated that Zack Bergmann had also come to us from Stark State.  Trustee Chessler inquired if this has been changed to approve this as a modified job description.  Fire Chief Martin stated that the original job description was a little loose in its interpretation on how this drafted.  Trustee Chessler verified that some changes were made then.  Chief Martin stated that was correct.

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board approve the fire and police vehicle technician job description that will be used to assist the Board in filling that vacancy; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.

ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.

Police Department:

Consider Recording Equipment Update

Police Chief Pomesky stated that the Police Department is requesting that the Board of Trustees to consider the approval of the quote to add channels to the recorder.  The total cost is $3,175.00.  The quote includes charges for:  3-Inform Essential Analog Recording Licenses; 4-Inform Essential VolP Recording Licenses for MIP-5000 Radio; 1-Network Card for 2nd Instance of VolP for Radios and installation.  Quote attached before the Board.

Trustee Laubacher made a motion that the Board allow the Police Department to approve the quotes to add channels to the recorder at a cost of $3,175.00; Seconded by Trustee Haines.

ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.

Road and Park Department:

Consider Hiring of FT Administrative Assistant

Trustee Chessler stated that the Board is in receipt of a memo from the Road Superintendent dated Thursday, November 5, 2015 regarding the vacancy for the position of the Administrative Assistant assigned to the Road Department.  Trustee Chessler indicated that the Road Superintendent has been looking and interviewing with the assistance of the Assistant Road Superintendent and asked Mr. Masalko if he had a recommendation to make.

Road Superintendent Masalko indicated that we had four (4) applicants apply for the Administrative Assistant position and added that it was a tough decision but recommends Renee Schalmo with a hire date of November 25, 2015; probationary period of six (6) months at $12.50 per hour and then after six (6) months, increase to $13.80.  Mr. Masalko indicated that with her past work experience, she is a good fit with the Road Department.

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board hire Renee Schalmo effective November 25, 2015 as an Administrative Assistant assigned to the Road Department; she will be on a six (6) month probationary period at an initial hourly rate starting at $12.50 and going to $13.80 after the successful completion of the probationary period.  She will be considered a full time employee with benefits; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.

ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.

Law Director: None.


Consider Approval of SCLRC Application for Side Lot Program

Trustee Chessler inquired of Zoning Inspector Weckbacher if he would please give a short refresher course on the side lot program and the application that the Board has to proceed.

(Wording unclear on recording) Zoning Inspector Weckbacher, from a previous Side Lot Program Application, had explained the Side Lot Program Application process, forwarded from Stark County Regional Planning, specifies that when a property is delinquent in taxes, an adjoining property owner can apply to obtain the delinquent property thereby placing the parcel back in the system and the applicant can begin to pay the property taxes.  All applications must be directed to the Board for their approval and then it is forwarded back to Regional Planning and Stark County Treasurer’s Office. 

Side Lot Program Application is from Keith and Cheryl Monick at 4075 Maplelynn St. SW, Canton, Parcel #: 4300528 and requesting acceptance of acquiring a vacant lot on Maplelynn St. SW, Parcel #: 4300898, delinquent taxes in the amount of $20,185.25.

Trustee Laubacher inquired if this property was split between that property and the next one.  Zoning Inspector Weckbacher stated that it is based on the individual that makes application through the Side Lot Program.  Trustee Laubacher inquired what the cost would be to the applicant.  Mr. Weckbacher stated that the cost is approximately $100.00 for the recording and added that the applicant(s) must be current on their property taxes before the application process.

Trustee Chessler inquired what was required of the Board, a recommendation or approval.  Mr. Weckbacher indicated that the Board’s approval was needed for the transfer and there were no assessments in this regard.

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board of Trustees approve the application for the Side Lot Program of Cheryl and Keith Monick for the property in Perry Township identified as Parcel #: 4300898; Seconded by Trustee Haines.

ROLL CALL:  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.

Executive Session(s): 

Department Matters Not Requiring Board Action:

Administration:  None.

Fire Department:  None.

Police Department:  None.

Road Department:  None.

Parks/Recycling:  None.

Zoning: None. 

Law Director:  None.

Upcoming Events:

~Fall Leaf Drop Off at the PERRY TOWNSHIP ROAD DEPARTMENT – Saturday, October 17th – Sunday, November 22nd ~ Weekdays: 7:00 am to 2:30 pm.  Saturdays, 7:00 am to 2:30 pm.  Saturday and Sunday: 8:00 am to 3:30 pm

~Next Board Meeting: November 17, 2015

Public Speaks-Open Forum:

(Wording unclear on recording) Trustee Chessler briefly discussed phone calls he has received from residents of Pine Hills regarding a neighbor that is displaying some unusual behavior and added that we have encountered situations like this in the past that have been either physical, psychological or mental issues that are something outside of the norm.  Trustee Chessler indicated that the Board does not have all the tools to address these things but added that we will try and work through these situations.  Trustee Chessler stated that we are currently addressing a situation regarding a neighbor who is engaging in this type of behavior and have asked our Police Chief to look into this situation, as we have done before, to find out what social service agency may be available to offer help.  Trustee Chessler indicated that he would like Chief Pomesky to inform the Board, for our record, regarding this situation.

(Wording unclear on recording) Chief Pomesky gave a brief explanation in regard to this matter.

Trustee Chessler stated with that, we can answer any other questions or provide what information that we have.  Trustee Chessler added that the one thing that he would like to emphasize is that the people who live in the area are our eyes and ears and as things develop or as things happen tomorrow, call either the Police Department or the Board of Trustees.  Trustee Chessler stated that it will benefit us to know things sooner rather than late and added, rest assured that even though we don’t have the direct ability to force somebody to get help to not behave in that way, we are aware of the situation and will monitor this.  Trustee Chessler stated that we will open the floor to Public Speaks and added that he would like to congratulate the first person up to the podium.

Bill Ross, 3103 Pine Hills Dr. SW, Massillon 44646 – Mr. Ross stated that several weeks ago he was outside cutting his grass and this neighbor was yelling and screaming at one of the kids that live nearby.  Not knowing what went on between the two of them, Mr. Ross stated that this neighbor was swinging a machete into the tree and continued to give a brief summary of this incident.  Mr. Ross stated that he feels this neighbor is unstable and added that he doesn’t have any water so when he goes to the bathroom, where is it going is what he wants to know.  Mr. Ross added that this neighbor goes around collecting garbage and brings it to his home.  Mr. Ross inquired how he can stay in his home without water adding that this is a health issue.  Police Chief Pomesky commented on Mr. Ross’s inquiry (wording unclear on recording).  Mr. Ross stated that he is concerned that this neighbor can keep carrying on the way he is.

Trustee Chessler stated that people can occupy their home without having a potable water supply, this is not an arrestable offense, and it is not going to solve the problem, but added that we are trying to get everybody involved here that has some connection to eventually get him out of that neighborhood or into a situation where his environment is conducive to him.

Brian and Lianne LaDow, 3025 Pine Hills Dr. SW, Massillon 44646 – Mr. and Mrs. LaDow showed photographs to the Board.  Mr. LaDow stated that he and his wife live next door to this neighbor and they were the ones that called the police the day this neighbor had the machete and was yelling.  They briefly explained that the police came out and took the machete but ended up giving it back to this neighbor.  Mr. LaDow briefly described the tent in the neighbor’s backyard piled with trash and garbage and indicated that they have contacted the zoning inspector and the health department regarding this as well.  Mrs. LaDow stated that the neighbor has a pet and added that they have had the displeasure of witnessing the abuse to this dog day after day, they sometimes do not see the dog for days at a time.  They have called the health department and the dog warden.  Mrs. LaDow stated that they spoke to somebody at Protective Services and they sent a social worker to this neighbor’s home.  Mrs. LaDow indicated that the social worker telephoned her the day after visiting this neighbor and explained that the inside of the house was one of the worst that she’s seen and added that there was dog feces all throughout the home.  Mrs. LaDow explained that the social worker explained that the way that the law is written is that he has to be harming himself or harming someone else before they could take him out of his environment and added that the machete incident would fall under that category.  Mrs. LaDow briefly stated that there was someone who was helping this neighbor clean up the garbage and trash and that person is also living there making it two people who are now living in this house without water or utilities.  Mrs. LaDow stated that they had tried to help this neighbor when his utilities were first shut off, but felt that he was taking advantage by using an extension cord to their home and they discontinued that.  Mr. LaDow stated that this neighbor goes out every single night with a shopping cart and fills it with trash and garbage and brings it back to his home.  They indicated that they would not be able to sell their home with the condition of this neighbor’s house next door.  They have called every organization or service agency that they can think of.

Trustee Haines inquired if they knew the name of the case worker that they spoke to.

Law Director Hall stated that Zoning Inspector Weckbacher has been in contact with the health department on all of these issues, Chief has been in contact with Adult Protective Services and we can continue to monitor from our end to help you, but unfortunately something has to happen before we can take this forward.  Mr. Hall added that he knows that is not what they want to hear, but (wording unclear on recording) and we will continue working with the social aspects.

Mr. LaDow stated that regarding the fire department, everybody around them in Pine Hills has called the fire department so many times that they know they are going to this same neighbor’s house because he is having fires and burning trash.

Fire Chief Martin stated that he has been out there a number of times himself and added that they take pictures every time they have been out there.  Chief indicated that there are no pictures of him burning trash, every time he burns it is a legal fire by the definition of the Ohio Fire Code. 

Trustee Haines inquired of Chief Pomesky if there was anything we could do regarding the machete incident with the case worker.  Chief Pomesky indicated that we do not have cooperative victims in that case (wording unclear on recording) so we cannot go any further with this case.

Trustee Chessler stated that before we go any further we do get a good sense of abnormal behavior from the statements already made.

Joe and Michelle Bernabei, 3039 Pine Hills Dr. SW, Massillon 44646 – Mr. Bernabei stated that they are direct neighbors on the other side of Mr. Tyson.  Mrs. Bernabei stated that their son, Devin was the one who was threatened with the machete.  Mrs. Bernabei stated that they weren’t offered to press charges when this incident occurred and stated that perhaps they misunderstood the situation but added that perhaps now is the time to press charges. 

Additional brief accounts of this neighbor’s erratic behavior were discussed.

Mrs. Bernabei stated that an even bigger issue at hand is the man who is now staying with Mr. Tyson as a roommate.  Mrs. Bernabei stated that she has been told that this new roommate is a registered sex offender.  Mrs. Bernabei stated that she is very afraid for her children and all the children in the neighborhood and added that this man is very forward and does not know boundaries, just like Mr. Tyson.  Mrs. Bernabei stated that she does not understand how this can continue; Mr. Tyson is a threat to himself, to the children and his roommate that is an even bigger threat to all the neighbors in Pine Hills.

Law Director Hall stated that he checked on the status of Mr. Tyson’s home; the taxes are current, but as the Board is aware, the taxes are paid in July.  Mr. Hall stated that according to the county auditor records, Mr. Tyson’s divorce was final in October and his ex-wife transferred the property from October 1st.  Mr. Hall stated that there is an escrow account through core logic, so at some point in time, there may be a foreclosure action, but as far as he could tell, it has not yet been fined so it is an escalating situation.

Trustee Chessler inquired if he could get the number and name of the contact person from protective services.  Trustee Chessler stated that there is another basis other than harming yourself or harming others and because of the substantial disorder of the moves, thought and behavior and personally impaired judgment so that you are not taking care of your basic needs, that is another basis by which a court could order a ward to be hospitalized or submit to a guardianship. 

Mr. Hall indicated that if Mr. Tyson is indeed a vet, would advise that Veteran’s Administration be contacted and added that if we can make as many contacts as possible to alleviate these concerns.

Trustee Chessler indicated that we cannot be out there every day so if something new comes up, please do not feel that you are bothering us, please contact the Board. 

Trustee Haines stated that we are hearing enough and if we can push the Health Department a little more, a social worker, something to find the help that Mr. Tyson needs in the right way.

Additional neighbors made accounts of Mr. Tyson’s behavior as to his constant burning of trash. (wording unclear on recording).  Fire Chief Martin indicated that he can empathize with this and explained that we (Fire Department) are bound by certain rules.  Chief Martin stated that every time this neighbor burns, call us and we will come out.  Since it has been a legal burn, there is nothing we can do about it, but if it is an illegal burn, we put it out, we take pictures and we notify air quality management but added that we do not have powers to arrest people.


With nothing further to come before the Board, Trustee Haines made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.



Craig Chessler, President                                                                              Joe Schlegel, Fiscal Officer