Regular Meeting

Perry Township Board of Trustees

Regular Meetings

November 6, 2012 7:00pm

Pledge of Allegiance:

Excused absence:  Scott Weckbacher, Zoning Inspector- Attending Stark County Regional Planning

Additions/Deletions to Agenda: None.

Public Hearings/Invited Guests:

Street Lighting Hearings

Cadbury Street NW- Bill Smith, Representative


Trustee Chessler stated that the law requires that the Board establish in the minutes certain things having been done.  The Board will begin by addressing the street lighting district that will be referred to as “Cadbury Street NW.”  The addresses included stretch from 1635-1798.  A petition was submitted to the Fiscal Officer on October 9, 2012 by Steven Voican of 1659 Cadbury Street NW.  Thirty (30) signatures were obtained and submitted.  The Board is being petitioned for eight (8) street lights.  Based on current usage rates the anticipated illumination cost is $1.33 per month or a semi-annual cost of $8.00 which will appear on tax bills issued in February and July of each year.  Trustee Chessler stated that this will begin in February 2014.  Mr. Hall stated that was correct.  Trustee Chessler stated that the Board of Trustees was duly notified by the Fiscal Officer of the petition filing.  The petition appears to be signed by owners of more than one half of the front feet of the lot and lands that abut the streets and public ways.  The district and petition has been complied with by the law and specified the leaps and bounds of the district that include no lands more than 660 feet or lands not abutting the street or public ways of the district.  Due notice and hearing is being conducted before the Board of Trustees and was duly and timely served on all lot owners and corporations affected by the proposed improvement.  The notice was duly and timely published as required by ORC Section 1504 and the term of due service and publication was made.  The Board received a copy of the petition that was signed and dated by the lot owners for this proposed lighting district.


In Favor:

Mr. Bill Smith stated that he is in favor of the proposed lighting district for Cadbury Street NW.





Trustee Chessler asked Mr. Hall to explain the process that takes place after the hearing for the lighting district.  Mr. Hall stated that after the Board makes a resolution tonight, Mr. Schlegel will use the certification form to certify the street lights and information to the Stark County Auditor for assessment on future tax bills.  Trustee Chessler thanked Mr. Hall for providing the statutory guidelines.  This hearing was scheduled based on the receipt of a petition and the Board of Trustees of this Township have taken all lawful and proper proceedings to light artificially the streets, public ways and unincorporated districts. 


Trustee Chessler stated that the affirmative responses on Cadbury Street NW were eighty-two (82) percent.  Each Board member confirmed that they have traveled Cadbury Street NW in the affected area.  Trustee Chessler confirmed that the Board has met all statutory requirements.  Mr. Hall confirmed and suggested that the methodology of assessment be stated for the record.  Trustee Chessler stated that it is proposed that each home owner be assessed an equal amount.  Mr. Schlegel confirmed the method of calculation.  Trustee Chessler confirmed that this method is based on past practice.  Mr. Schlegel stated that was correct.  Trustee Chessler stated that the statute authorizes and allows the Fiscal Officer to collect a fee of $0.50 for each lot assessed but it is Mr. Schlegel’s position to waive or decline that fee.  Mr. Schlegel stated that is correct.  Trustee Laubacher inquired if an extra fee should be assessed for maintenance purposes.  Mr. Hall stated that should the poles need to be replaced or fixed due to natural deterioration the utility company would certify the cost of the repairs to Mr. Schlegel who would make the assessment to the County Auditor to be collected in the future.  Mr. Blythe inquired how the cost of the assessments was determined.  Trustee Laubacher stated that the Township received a cost sheet from Mr. Ray Martinez of the utility company. 


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board approve the creation of the street lighting district known as “1635-1789 Cadbury Street  NW Lighting District”; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.


Mr. Schlegel asked Mr. Chessler to amend his motion to state that the lighting district is good for one (1) year and then it will be up for renewal just in case the cost goes up.


Trustee Chessler made an amendment to his motion to state that the lighting district is good for a one (1) year period; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.


Trustee Chessler explained that the street lighting districts run in one (1) year terms because the cost figures are subject to change.  Mr. Schlegel stated that the Township use to allow five (5) year street lighting terms but it was discovered that within those five (5) years the cost went up and the Township’s General Fund ended up making up the difference.  The one (1) year term will allow the utility company to update the cost and the affected residents will be notified by letter.


ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, abstained.

Bramblebush Street NW- Paul Kohmann, Representative


Trustee Chessler stated that the “Bramblebush Street NW” street light district includes the addresses ranging from 1616-1796.  The petition showed 85% affirmative responses therefore the majority of affected parcels have been established.  The Board confirmed that they are familiar with the area and have traveled the affected street.  The Board has determined that street lighting is necessary and a number of lights have already been established.  If not, the Board will take the recommendation of the public utility company and if necessary the Township will contract with them.  In this instance, the Board will determine that the special assessments will be made in the same manner as in the other case with all parcels being assessed in equal amounts.  Trustee Chessler stated that he will also include in this affirmative act by the Board that they will assess the portion of the costs of furnishing and maintaining the lights to the tax duplicate of the County Auditor.  The Fiscal Officer will decline $0.50 statutory fee.  The lighting district will be good for one (1) year.  Trustee Chessler stated that the Fiscal Officer will maintain the records of the petitions in regards to the majority indicating an affirmative response as well as the notification to the land owner as required by law. 


In Favor:

Mr. Paul Kohmann stated that he is in favor of the proposed lighting district for Bramblebush Street NW.  Mr. Kohmann asked if this lighting district would include Sedwick.  Trustee Haines stated that the lot owners on Sedwick set up a lighting district of their own about nine (9) years ago. 





Trustee Chessler stated that the street lighting petition for Bramblebush was submitted on October 9, 2012 by Richard Moore of 1732 Bramblebush Street NW. Signatures of twenty-nine (29) homeowners were submitted.  The Board is being petitioned for nine (9) lights. Based on the current usage rates the anticipated illumination cost is $1.55 per month or semiannual cost of $9.31 which will appear on tax bills in February and July of each year.  The first assessment will show on the tax bill in February 2014.


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board approve the street lighting district known as “1616- 1796 Bramblebush Street NW” as it has been described and set forth in the documents accompanied by this petition; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, yes.

Richville Drive SW- Glen Camp, Representative


Trustee Chessler stated that the street light petition for Richville Drive SW was submitted to the Fiscal Officer on October 3, 2012 by Glen Camp.  Signatures of fourteen (14) homeowners were submitted.  The Board is being petitioned for thirteen (13) street lights.  Based on current usage rates, the anticipated illumination costs is $2.17 per month or semiannual cost of $13.02 which will appear on tax bills in February and July of each year.  The first assessment will show on the tax bill in February 2014.  The addresses included in this lighting district extend from 5185-5575.  The petition showed 85% affirmative responses therefore the majority of affected parcels have been established.  The Board confirmed that they are familiar with the area and have traveled the affected street.  The Board has determined that street lighting is necessary and a number of lights have already been established.  If not, the Board will take the recommendation of the public utility company and if necessary the Township will contract with them.  In this instance, the Board will determine that the special assessments will be made in the same manner as in the other case with all parcels being assessed in equal amounts.  Trustee Chessler stated that he will also include in this affirmative act by the Board that they will assess the portion of the costs of furnishing and maintaining the lights to the tax duplicate of the County Auditor.  The Fiscal Officer will decline $0.50 statutory fee.  The lighting district will be good for one (1) year.


In Favor:

Mr. Glen Camp stated that he is in favor of the proposed lighting district for Richville Drive SW.





Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board approve the street lighting district known as “5185-5575 Richville Drive SW” as it has been described and set forth in the documents accompanied by this petition; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.


ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, yes.

8th Street NW- No representative present


Trustee Chessler stated that there is not a representative present in the audience in regards to the 8th Street NW street lighting district.  A petition was submitted to the Fiscal Officer on October 9, 2012 by June Branch of 8th Street NW.  Three (3) signatures were obtained from the affected lot owners.  The Board is being petitioned for one (1) street light.  Based on current usage rates, the anticipated illumination costs is $1.66 per month or semiannual cost of $10.00 which will appear on tax bills in February and July of each year.  The petition showed 100% affirmative responses therefore the majority of affected parcels have been established.  The Board confirmed that they are familiar with the area and have traveled the affected street.  The Board has determined that street lighting is necessary and a number of lights have already been established.  If not, the Board will take the recommendation of the public utility company and if necessary the Township will contract with them.  In this instance, the Board will determine that the special assessments will be made in the same manner as in the other case with all parcels being assessed in equal amounts.  Trustee Chessler stated that he will also include in this affirmative act by the Board that they will assess the portion of the costs of furnishing and maintaining the lights to the tax duplicate of the County Auditor.  The Fiscal Officer will decline $0.50 statutory fee.  The lighting district will be good for one year.


In Favor:






Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board approve the street lighting district known as “4610-4621 8th Street NW” as it has been described and set forth in the documents accompanied by this petition; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.


ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, yes.

Mr. Hall stated that he will get the formalized resolutions to the Fiscal Officer so that the street lighting districts can be formalized and certified with the County Auditor. 

Consider Accepting a Donation from McKinley Eagles Auxiliary and Aerie

Trustee Chessler stated that it is the Board’s pleasure to consider accepting a donation from the McKinley Eagles Auxiliary and Aerie.  The Board recognized Mr. McFarland and Ms. Zuchegno from the McKinley Eagles.  Trustee Chessler noted that since 2005 the local McKinley Eagles has donated nearly $25,000.00 to Perry Township.  These donations range from providing candy at Halloween to critically important items such as traffic vests, emergency signage, finger print machine, speed trailer, K-9 training and gas masks.  Trustee Chessler stated that he also spoke to the schools and organizations in the community whom have also received donations from the local McKinley Eagles.  Those donations include fencing, backstops, scoreboards, nets for soccer, assistance with the Perry Veteran’s Memorial, weight lifting room, gator for the sports teams, balance beams for gymnasts, ball bags, wrestling mats, banners, rings for championship and the community message center sign.  Trustee Chessler stated that the local McKinley Eagles is the silent benefactor of the Perry Township community.  The Township presented a plaque of appreciation to the McKinley Eagles for their generous donations to the community over the years.  Chief Pomesky expressed his appreciation for all of the donations that the McKinley Eagles have given the Police Department as well.  Mr. McFarland stated that he has a donation check in the amount of $6,540.00 for the purchase of extra tasers which comes from the McKinley Eagles Auxiliary and Aerie.

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board gratefully accept the $6,540.00 donation from the McKinley Eagles Auxiliary and Aerie to be used for the purchase of tasers for the Police Department; Seconded by Trustee Haines.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, yes.


Board of Trustees Received Notice on October 23, 2012 from ODOT Concerning Street Lighting

Trustee Chessler stated that in relation to the street lighting efforts the Township sent out letters to other governmental entities informing them of the Board’s position on maintaining the costs of the street lights that were not on Township roads.  One of those letters went to the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT).  The Board received a letter dated October 17, 2012 from ODOT District 4, David Sickert.  The letter indicated that District 4 will continue its policy of not paying for street lighting at isolated rural intersections but permitting local governments to establish and pay for lighting at these locations as allowed by Section 515 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC).  Trustee Laubacher stated that there are a total of three (3) lights; two (2) by the railroad tracks on Faircrest and one (1) at the intersection of Shepler Church and SR 627.  Trustee Haines stated that he feels that the Board should proceed with having the lights turned off if the State is not going to pay for them.  Trustee Laubacher requested that the matter of street lighting be placed on the agenda for the Work Session so that the Board can discuss the final list of street lights that will be turned off.  Trustee Chessler stated that prior to the meeting he would like to review a final list so that he can look at each one individually.  The Board will reserve the right to take action at the Work Session.  Trustee Laubacher stated that he’ll try to prepare a packet for the Board by this weekend.   

Board of Trustees Received Quotes on November 5, 2012 from Don Jones Concerning Automobile Damage

Trustee Chessler stated that the Board received several documents regarding an incident that occurred at the Recycling Station that resulted in vehicle damage.  The Township is in the process of communicating with the automobile claimant.  The Township has received estimates and the matter has been referred to the proper insurance companies for evaluation as a claim.  Trustee Chessler stated that Mr. Hall’s legal opinion is that this matter is proprietary therefore the Township’s immunity may not apply.  The State requires that the owner of the damaged property submit the damage to their insurance company and the Township will be required to pay the deductible. 

Mr. Hall stated that as part of the internal investigation, Administrator Fetzer was contacted by gentleman who is a retired Marlboro County Sheriff’s Officer.  This gentleman gave Administrator Fetzer a brief summary.  Mr. Hall stated that he is going to get a hold of this gentleman to obtain a written statement.  Trustee Chessler stated that the Board acknowledges receipt of this documentation but will table this matter until further recommendation from the Law Director and insurance company is given.

Public Speaks on items up for Board Approval: None.

Township Business requiring Board Action: None.

Unfinished Business: None.

New Business:

Trustee Chessler made a motion to approve bills and payroll in the amount of $307,338.23 for the week ending October 16, 2012 and approval of bills in the amount of $13,021.65 for the week ending October 23, 2012 and bills and payroll in the amount of $144,400.40 for the week ending November 6, 2012 for a combined total of $464,760.28; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, yes.

Fiscal Officer: 

Trustee Chessler made a motion to accept the minutes of the October 16, 2012 Regular Meeting; Seconded by Trustees Haines.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, yes.

Administration:  None.

Fire Department:

Consider Hiring Taylor Offenberger as a Part-time Fire Fighter/ EMT-B

Chief Martin stated that the Fire Department is asking the Board to consider the hiring of Taylor Offenberger as a part-time fire fighter/ EMT-B.  Total work hours not to exceed 1,500 per year.  Ms. Offenberger will be required to follow and complete all probationary requirements.  The probationary period will be based on proficiency skill testing.  Ms. Offenberger will receive all benefits applicable to part-time employees.   Ms. Offenberger was previously on the Perry Township Fire Department but left in good standing to pursue some educational opportunities.  Should the Board approve this hire, Chief Martin asked that it be made effective today.

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board approve the hire of Taylor Offenberger as a probationary part-time/ EMT-B with the Perry Township Fire Department, total work hours not to exceed 1,500 per year, probationary period will be based on proficiency skill testing, effective hiring date with all benefits applicable to part-time employees will be Tuesday, November 6, 2012; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, yes.             

Consider Hiring Alexander Koontz as a Part-time Fire Fighter/ EMT- B

Chief Martin stated that the Fire Department is asking the Board to consider the hiring of Alexander Koontz as a part-time fire fighter/ EMT-B.  Total work hours not to exceed 1,500 per year.  Mr. Koontz will be required to follow and complete all probationary requirements and will receive all benefits applicable to part-time employees.  The probationary period will be based on proficiency skill testing.  Mr. Koontz is an EMT-B and is currently attending Stark State Paramedic Program.  Chief Martin stated that the association between Perry Township and Stark State has proved to be incredibly beneficial.  The Perry Township Fire Department has hired approximately 5-6 individuals from that program.  Should the Board approve this hire, Chief Martin asked that it be made effective today.

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board approve the hire of Alexander Koontz as a probationary part-time/ EMT-B with the Perry Township Fire Department, total work hours not to exceed 1,500 per year, probationary period will be based on proficiency skill testing, effective hiring date with all benefits applicable to part-time employees will be Tuesday, November 6, 2012; Seconded by Trustee Haines.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, yes.               

Consider Purchasing Two (2) Sets of Fire Fighting PPE

Chief Martin asked the Board to consider the purchase of two (2) sets of fire fighter PPE to outfit the two (2) new employees hired this evening.  Four (4) quotes were obtained.  Chief Martin recommended that the fire fighting PPE be purchased through Fire Force, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $3,004.00.

Trustee Laubacher made a motion that the Board authorize the Perry Township Fire Department to purchase two (2) sets of fire fighter PPE from Fire Force, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $3,004.00; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, yes.               

Consider Installation of Replacement Windows at Station #3

Chief Martin asked the Board to consider the installation of replacement windows at Station #3.  Chief Martin recommended that the work be completed by Blythe Construction as they provided the lowest quote with a total cost not to exceed $2,015.09.  The windows that are being replaced were originally installed in 1973.  The new windows are double paned and energy saving.

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board authorize Blythe Construction for the purchase and work to be done at Station #3 for replacement windows pursuant to the terms of the quote in the amount not to exceed $2,015.09; Seconded by Trustee Haines.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, yes.               

Police Department:

Consider the Hire of Nicole Sterling as a Full-time Dispatcher

Chief Pomesky asked the Board consider the hire of Nicole Sterling as a full-time dispatcher.  Ms. Sterling is currently employed by the Perry Township Police Department as a part-time records clerk.  Since her hire in April 2012, Ms. Sterling has proven to be reliable, has exceptional job performance and is an excellent fit for the department.  With the recent resignation of a full-time dispatcher, it has produced a vacancy in the dispatching facility.  Ms. Sterling would be entitled to a $400.00 uniform allowance per year, starting salary of $13.72 per hour and would serve a one (1) year probationary period.  Trustee Chessler inquired if the residency requirement could be waived.  Mr. Hall stated that the residency requirement can be waived and it is going to be his recommendation that this requirement be removed from the contract during negotiations.

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board authorize the hire of Nicole Sterling as a full-time dispatcher at the Perry Township Police Department with a one (1) year probationary period effective November 12, 2012, pay rate of $13.72 per hour, $400.00 per year uniform allowance and this motion includes a waiver of the collective bargaining provision that requires residency; Seconded by Trustee Haines.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, yes.               


Road Department:

Consider Authorizing Submission of a Muskingum Watershed Grant Application

Mr. Masalko asked the Board to consider authorizing him to submit a Muskingum Watershed grant application which is due on November 9, 2012.  The Board is required to make a formal resolution prior to grant submission.  The Muskingum Watershed grant is worth $50,000.00 and will accompany the Ohio Public Works grant.  If both grants are received, the Road Department should be able to move forward with the project in the Summerdale allotment.

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board authorize the Road Superintendent with the assistance of the Law Director to take any and all steps necessary to submit on a timely basis by November 9, 2012 an application for the Muskingum Watershed Grant in the requested amount of $50,000.00; Seconded by Trustee  Haines.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, yes.

Law Director: None.

Zoning: None.

Parks/Recycling: None.

Department Matters Not Requiring Board Action:

Administration: None.

Fire Department: None.

Parks/Recycling: None.

Police Department:

Submission of September Statistics

Road Department: None.

Zoning: None.  

Law Director: None.

Upcoming Events: None.

Public Speaks-Open Forum:

Lyn McSheehy- 1126 Brook Ave. NW.  Ms. McSheehy inquired what the proposed project for Summerdale entailed.  Mr. Masalko indicated that the project would be to fix the drainage problems within the allotment. 

Ms. McSheehy addressed some concerns regarding the renaming of Brook Avenue to Marion.  Ms. McSheehy suggested that the name of Brook Avenue be changed to Brook Circle so that is doesn’t cause such an inconvenience to the residents affected.  Trustee Chessler explained that even though Ms. McSheehy’s suggestions make sense, the Board of Trustee’s have no authority in this matter.  This decision is to be made by the Stark County Commissioner’s.  Mr. Hall stated that the affected residents have been sent correspondence from the County Commissioner’s informing them of the hearing and that would be the proper time to bring these suggestions forward.

Ms. McSheehy addressed her concerns regarding fracking and suggested starting a bill of rights.  Ms. McSheehy inquired if there was anything that the Board of Trustees could do get something started to help prevent fracking in residential neighborhoods.  Trustee Chessler stated that this is something that the Board would address when there is a specific proposal in front of them.  Other communities have done this.  This is not a fine or criminal penalty.  It would be some amount of money that would be required to assure that if any damage is done to the roads then there would be an adequate fund to repair those damages.  Trustee Chessler explained that the Board does not currently have any proposals for any wells that use hydraulic fracturing.

Fred Anania- 4061 Knolls Ave. SW.  Mr. Anania stated that during the storms last week the power in the Station #2 area was out for approximately four (4) hours.  Station #2 is only equipped with some emergency lights that last for approximately one (1) hour.  Mr. Anania inquired if there are any thoughts or consideration about installing a generator at Station #2.  Chief Martin stated that there is a generator scheduled for installation in 2013.  .  Station #3 had a new generator installed last year because of the radio communications.   Station #2 did have the opportunity to use the generator on the fire truck to help power their building but they neglected to utilize that option and Chief Martin has to address that with them.  

Bard Huntsman- 4025 Prosway SW.  Mr. Huntsman addressed his concerns with the project on Genoa Ave. SW.  Mr. Masalko explained that Genoa Ave. SW has one lane opened up.  Mr. Huntsman addressed his wishes to have Station #2 manned starting at 6:30am (prior to the start of school).  Trustee Haines stated that after Mr. Huntsman brought this matter up previously he discussed it with Chief Martin.  The reason the time is set at 9:00am is because that is when the manpower was able to start because of other jobs, etc.  When the study was completed, 9:00am was the best time to be able to man Station #2.  It was difficult to man Station #2 prior to 9:00am.  Chief Martin stated that that system was developed by the staffing committee.  People work specific hours and there are a number of shifts that meet the accommodations of when people can work.  Mr. Huntsman stated that for some reason Station #2 is being neglected.  Just like with the situation with the generator at Station #3.  Trustee Laubacher explained that the Township put the generator at Station #3 for two (2) reasons:  Fire Department radio equipment and Police Department radio equipment.  If the power goes out, it is important that Station #3’s power is backed up so that they have the ability to use the radios.

Chief Martin stated that after Mr. Huntsman’s last request he looked into the matter and found that there was no increased traffic or accidents prior to the start of school that warranted an increase in man power hours at Station #2.  Right now, there are not enough funds to man the stations anymore than what they already are.  Mr. Huntsman suggested using money from the carry over or the savings from no longer using the house behind Station #1 on 14th Street to fund additional staffing at Station #2.

Timothy Blythe- 2956 Bridgton Street NW.  Mr. Blythe explained that if there is a surplus of money or a carry over it can’t just be spent on additional personnel.  All of the savings from the property on 14th Street SW (gas/electric/water) will not pay for one week of staffing in those extra few hours.  Mr. Huntsman stated that the Fire Department had the largest carry over last year than ever before.  Mr. Blythe stated that there is nothing wrong with having money in the bank.

Mr. Anania inquired if the generator on the fire truck had the ability to be plugged in so that the powered doors could be operated.  Chief Martin stated that Maintenance Supervisor Gary Swisher indicated that the generator off of the fire truck could have been used to bring power to Station #2.  Chief Martin stated that the doors were operable regardless because they have emergency releases that allow the doors to go up and down without power. 

Karl Oprisch- 3132 Crescentview Drive SW.  Mr. Oprisch thanked the Board for the recent improvements to Lynch Park.

Executive Session(s): 

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board adjourn into an Executive Session pursuant to ORC 121.22 (G) (1) concerning Police Department personnel to initially include the Board and Fiscal Officer and potentially the Law Director and Police Chief upon request; Seconded by Trustee Haines.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Trustee Haines, yes.

The Board adjourned into Executive Session at: 8:21pm

The Board adjourned from Executive Session at: 9:00pm


With nothing further to come before the Board, Trustee Chessler made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00pm; Seconded by Trustee Haines.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Chessler, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Haines, yes.

Craig E. Chessler, President                                                      

Joe Schlegel, Fiscal Officer