Regular Meeting

Regular Meetings 

 The Perry Township Board of Trustees meets in Regular Meeting format on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM.   

The meetings are held at the Township Hall located at

3111 Hilton Street NW

in Massillon. Regular Meetings include reports by Department Heads, the Law Director, and the Township Administrator.  The public is welcome to offer comments during the Public Speaks portion of the agenda on township related matters.


Perry Township Board of Trustees


Regular Meeting


June 18, 2013 7:00 pm




Call to Order/ Pledge of Allegiance:


Excused absence:  None.


Additions/Deletions to Agenda:


One deletion on tonight’s agenda under Administration:  Consider adjustments of Richville Cemetery fees


Public Hearings/Invited Guests:


Summerdale/Partridge drainage bid openings


Fiscal Officer Schlegel stated that the Township received four (4) drainage bids for the Summerdale/Partridge drainage project:


  1.  Lockhart Concrete Company  in the amount of $1,047,229.00
  2. Central Allied in the amount of $849,242.35
  3.  Wenger Excavating Company in the amount of $891,345.40


  1.  Spano Brothers Construction Company in the amount of $997,927.95


Trustee Haines made a motion that the Board of Trustees table this matter for further review by the Road Superintendent and Law Director until further discussion; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.   Mr. Chessler, yes.


Consider Promotion to the Rank of Captain for Joe DiAntonio, Shawn Nelson and Ron Riggs


Trustee Haines inquired of Fire Chief Martin if he was prepared to submit to the Board the three (3) highest ranking individuals on the eligibility test.   Chief Martin stated that he was.  Chief Martin stated that per Article 39.6 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the three (3) highest ranking individuals for the first half of this position are:  Joe DiAntonio, Shawn Nelson and Rick King.  Trustee Haines inquired of Fire Chief Martin who his recommendation was for the first ranking Captain’s position.  Fire Chief Martin stated that his recommendation to the Board of Trustees would be to promote Joe DiAntonio to the first vacant Captain’s position.


Trustee Haines made a motion that the Board of Trustees promote Joe DiAntonio to the first vacant Captain’s position; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.


Trustee Haines inquired of Fire Chief Martin if he was also prepared to submit to the Board the next three (3) highest ranking individuals on the eligibility test.  Chief Martin stated that he was.  Chief Martin stated that once again as per Article 39.6 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the three (3) highest ranking names now on the eligibility list are Shawn Nelson, Rick King and Adam Reiger.  Trustee Haines asked if Chief Martin was prepared to make a recommendation for the next vacant Captain’s position.  Chief Martin stated that his recommendation is that the Board of Trustees promote Shawn Nelson to the second vacant position of Captain.


Trustee Haines made a motion that the Board of Trustees promote Shawn Nelson to the second vacant Captain’s position; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.


Trustee Haines inquired of Fire Chief Martin if he was prepared to make a recommendation for the third Captain’s position.  Chief Martin stated that he was.  Chief Martin stated that as per Article 39.6 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the three (3) highest ranking individuals now on the eligibility list are Rick King, Adam Reiger and Ron Riggs.  Trustee Haines asked if Chief Martin was prepared to make the recommendation for that Captain’s position.  Chief Martin stated that his recommendation is that the Board of Trustees promote Ron Riggs to the third vacant Captain’s position.


Trustee Haines made a motion that the Board of Trustees promote Ron Riggs to the third vacant Captain’s position; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.


Trustee Haines stated that it was his honor to have his fellow Trustees join him in front for the swearing in of Joe DiAntonio, Shawn Nelson and Ron Riggs to the rank of Captain.  The swearing in took place before the Board and family and friends present. 


Trustee Haines stated that there would be a fifteen minute recess from the meeting where he invited everyone present to join them for refreshments.




Public Speaks on items up for Board Approval:  None.


Township Business requiring Board Action:  None.


Unfinished Business:   None.


New Business:


Trustee Haines made a motion to approve bills and payroll in the amount of $327,368.32 for the week ending June 18, 2013; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes. 


Fiscal Officer: 




Fire Department:


Consider Payment of Captains Oral Interview Promotional Testing


Fire Chief Martin stated that the Fire Department is requesting that the Board of Trustees authorize the payment of $2,800.00 to the Ohio Fire Chief’s Association conducting the Phase II testing of the Captain’s Promotion -Oral Interviews conducted on May 10, 2013.  Chief Martin stated that there will be one more invoice submitted for Phase III.


Trustee Chessler stated that based on the invoice that the Board has received based on the process outlined in our contract and the information provided by the Chief, he makes a motion that the Board approve and pay the Ohio Fire Chief’s Association invoice in the amount of $2,800.00 for the Captain’s Oral Promotion interviews on May 10, 2013; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.


Police Department:


Consider Approval of Patrol Officers and Detectives Contract


Police Chief Pomesky stated that attached for the Board’s review and approval is a copy of the 2013-2015 Patrol Officers and Detectives Contract.


Trustee Chessler stated that he wanted to thank the Police Chief and Deputy Chief along with the Law Director that met on a handful of occasions prior to the end of 2012.  This was the first group that the Board discussed and negotiated with and came up with an agreement in principle prior to year’s end.  Trustee Chessler stated that the parties involved identified the issues and he commends all of the police personnel for being mindful of the Township’s budget and agreeing to take at least the first year of the contract with a pay freeze. 


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board approve the patrol officers into taking the contract effective, retroactive to January 1, 2013 through 2015; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.


Road and Park Department:


Consider Accepting a Federal Signage Upgrade Grant through ODOT in the amount of $35,021.64


Road Superintendent briefly explained how this Federal Signage Upgrade Grant came to be for Perry Township and stated that the Road Department is asking the Board to accept the approval for a township signage grant in the amount of $35,021.64, funded at 100% Federal funds. 


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board of Trustees gratefully accept a township signage grant through the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) in the amount of $35,021.64 that will be used for Township sign upgrades; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.


Consider Board Authorization to Solicit 2013 Road Striping Specifications of Various Township Roads for Bid


Road Superintendant Masalko stated that the Road Department is asking the Board’s permission to solicit quotes for the 2013 striping of various Township roads and if directed, will be advertised in the Canton Repository and Massillon Independent on June 21 and June 26, 2013.  The bid openings will be July 16, 2013 at 7:00 pm.


Trustee Chessler stated that he makes a motion that the Board authorize the Road Superintendent with the guidance of the Law Director to take the steps necessary to solicit for bids for the centerline and edge marking of various township streets in 2013; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.


Law Director Hall stated that he wanted the Board to recognize and acknowledge both Mr. Masalko and Mr. Young on the Federal Signage upgrade grant matter and the road striping projects.  Mr. Hall stated that both John and Chris have done a wonderful job on both of these projects and when presented to Mr. Hall for review, it was completely done and done right and he congratulated them on a job well done.


Consider Hiring Scott Meeks as a Seasonal Part Time Park Employee


Road and Parks Superintendent Masalko stated that this would be the final hiring in the Parks Department this year.  Scott Meeks’ employment consideration came through word of mouth; a background check and drug and alcohol testing has been done and all came back fine.  Scott has already started working for us and he is working for 39 hours per week, not to exceed 120 days and one calendar month.   Mr. Meeks’ end pay to be October 11, 2013, seasonal park employee at $10.50 per hour.


Trustee Haines made a motion that the Board hire Scott Meeks as a seasonal employee with the effective dates of June 17, 2013 and not to work more than 39 hours per week for a period not to exceed 120 calendar days or Friday, October 11, 2013 at a rate of pay of $10.50 per hour; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.


Law Director: None.




Consider Board Authorization for the Law Director and Zoning Inspector to take Necessary Legal Action on G.M. Chamber’s Properties on Southway Street SW and 18th Street SW


Zoning Inspector Weckbacher stated that not much had been done since last year regarding this matter after letters were sent to the property owner.  Mr. Weckbacher stated that he had spoke to Law Director Hall and concluded that the next step would be to receive the Board’s permission to take legal action.  Mr. Weckbacher stated that he had taken pictures of this property last week and forwarded them to the law director in order to get a complaint filed.


Trustee Haines inquired as to the time frame of getting this complaint filed.  Law Director Hall stated that this complaint would be filed this week.  Mr. Hall stated that because this property is zoned industrial, he feels we should be stressing the commercial property maintenance code with a lesser emphasis on zoning.  Once the owner of the property is served, they have twenty eight (28) days to respond. 


Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board, based on prior discussions, based on the information that the Zoning Department has brought before the Board in prior public hearings, authorize the Law Director and Zoning Inspector to take all steps necessary, including formal legal action in court, to enforce all applicable portions of our zoning resolutions and maintenance codes against the property at Southway Street SW and 18th Street SW and any and all properties that may be owned by Mr. Chambers, or any of his family members that may be under his authority or control; Seconded by Trustee Haines.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.


Parks/Recycling: None.


Executive Session(s): 


Department Matters Not Requiring Board Action:


Administration: None.


Fire Department: None.


Parks/Recycling: None.


Police Department: None.


Road Department: None.


Zoning: None.  


Law Director: None.


Upcoming Events:


~Perry Township Bicentennial Meetings are scheduled for the last Tuesday of each calendar month at the Perry Township Hall beginning at 7:00 pm.


Public Speaks-Open Forum:




With nothing further to come before the Board, Trustee Haines made a motion to adjourn the meeting at  7:45 pm;  Seconded by Trustee Chessler.


ROLL CALL:  Mr. Haines, yes.  Mr. Laubacher, yes.   Mr. Chessler, yes. 






Doug Haines, President                                                                                                 Joe Schlegel, Fiscal Officer