Work Session

Perry Township Board of Trustees

Work Session

January 11, 2011 7:00pm

The Board of Trustees has previously reserved the right to take action at this meeting

Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance:

Excused absence: 

Additions/Deletions to Agenda:

Trustee Laubacher made a motion that the Board add an item under the Fiscal Officer regarding the renewal of police and road levies for the May primary ballot; Seconded by Trustee Capaldi.

ROLL CALL:  Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Miss Capaldi, yes.

Trustee Laubacher welcomed four (4) students from Central Catholic High School who were in attendance for a school assignment; Mike Kline, Symme Page, Chris Ray and Langdon Page.

Public Hearings/Invited Guests:

Bob Fisher, Huntington Broker to Conduct 2011 Wellness Program Presentation

Bob Fisher introduced Debbie Stimmel and Bryan Joseph from Aultcare who presented information to the Board regarding a potential Wellness Program.  Mr. Fisher explained that if the Board were to implement a Wellness Program there would be a cost associated with it.  Trustee Chessler inquired who would pay that cost.  Mr. Fisher stated that it would be paid for by the Township.  Trustee Capaldi stated that there is a per participant cost.  No cost options were discussed but the committee met with Aultcare to discuss to opportunity to have a Wellness Program which was part of the cost adjustment that they did for the Township.  Trustee Capaldi asked Mr. Fisher to speak about that.  Mr. Fisher explained that when they were negotiating with Aultcare they were able to get renewal rates down below where they were currently.  There were some preliminary discussions regarding what Aultcare was willing to bring to the table in order to get a Wellness Program started.  The presenters from Aultcare will be discussing some pricing but if there is a program that the Board feels is of value and is something that they want to pursue then they can sit down and spend time finding out from them what they may be able to offer in stages to get it started. 

Ms. Stimmel presented the Board with a claims analysis and pricing structure to help them decide if a Wellness Program would be appropriate.  Every single person under the Township healthcare plan has an average medical claim cost of $229.50 per person per month (PMPM).  The time period used for the claim analysis report was October 1, 2009 through the end of September 2010.  The year prior had a per member per month average of $407.00.  Ms. Stimmel stated that Aultcare has approximately thirty (30) employer groups currently that have implemented Wellness Program’s and those groups have a per member per month average claims cost of $177.00.  Perry Township had a pharmacy monthly average of $107.41.  The average claim cost for Aultcare individual’s is $51.00.  Perry Township is paying approximately twice the amount in claims as the average Aultcare individual.  Ms. Stimmel stated that Perry Township has only had one individual considered to be a “high claim cost,” in the past year.  That individual had $128,000.00 in claims.  After that it dropped way down.  Trustee Capaldi stated that the analysis clearly indicates that Perry Township in every level is higher than the average which increases premium rates.  Trustee Capaldi inquired if the catastrophics are pulled out of the totals presented.  Ms. Stimmel stated that if Aultcare were to pull the catastrophic claims then they would only pull the $28,000.00 but they would include the $100,000.00.  That only brings the average down to $216.00 from $229.00.  Mr. Schlegel inquired if the Township would be right at the average if the catastrophics were not included.  Ms. Stimmel stated that was correct but the peers that Perry Township is being compared with in the book of business also may have catastrophics. 

Ms. Stimmel stated that looking at the cost of individuals that are covered by age range; 19-35 have an average PMPM claim cost of $41.00, 45-54 has the highest average PMPM claim cost due to musculoskeletal conditions and the “high claim cost” individual was between the ages of 60-64.  Ms. Stimmel stated that there are several conditions that can be impacted through a Wellness Program; congestive heart failure, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and overweight/ obesity.  Ms. Stimmel stated that she has reviewed claims for Perry Township and found ten (10) individuals that have diabetes.  Each of those individuals has a monthly claim cost of $1,271.00 while the average claim costs for Aultcare individuals with diabetes is $521.00.  Ms. Stimmel stated that she found sixty-five (65) individuals with one or more of the above listed conditions or thirty-seven percent (37%) of the group that the Township is providing coverage to; thirty-eight (38) are employees, twenty-four (24) are spouses and three (3) are children/ dependents.  Of the sixty-five (65) individuals eight percent (8%) did not have a visit with a primary care physician within the past year.  Those individuals have pharmacy claims totaling $311.00 per person per month compared to the whole group’s average of $107.00.  Trustee Laubacher inquired how people are able to get prescriptions without seeing a doctor.  Ms. Stimmel explained that most doctors will continue to prescribe medications to individuals without seeing them for a period of time.  There were only eight percent (8%) that did not have a physician visit.

Ms. Stimmel stated that of the individuals taking medications for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes thirty-two percent (32%) of those individuals are not taking their medications as prescribed by their physician.  Sixty-one percent (61%) of the medications filled for the Township’s group were generic.  Ms. Stimmel stated that individuals within the Perry Township group need to be more proactive in their preventative care.  Mr. Hall inquired if the Perry Township group is paying similar deductibles and co-pays as the average.  Mr. Fisher stated that the 90/10 plan is pretty standard.  Studies show that as the employee or individual begins to share more in the cost they begin to act differently.

Ms. Stimmel stated that most Wellness Programs are started with a Health Screening Event or a Health Fair where the individuals will be screened for diabetes, blood test, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, weight and body fat.  The results will be sent to the individual’s home and then they can go online to answer some questions so that a report can be generated specific to them.  The report will help the individual’s understand what their health risks are and what can be done to help improve if they are interested in doing so.  Ms. Stimmel explained that the Health Fair is $55.00 per person who participates.  If there are thirty (30) participants or less then the Health Fair is a flat fee of $2,000.00.  Wellness Programs offer health coaching which costs $10.25 per employee per month.  If all Perry Township employees participated, the Township would pay for everyone’s healthcare and the $10.25 per person per month, it equates to 1.7% of the Township’s early claims.

Trustee Capaldi inquired if any employers who implemented a Wellness Program had employees offer to pay for it themselves.  Ms. Stimmel stated that currently Aultcare does not have any groups like that.  Trustee Capaldi inquired if Ms. Stimmel had any information regarding return on investment.  Ms. Stimmel stated that it is estimated that after three (3) years the Township should expect to see approximately a two (2) to three (3) dollar return.  Trustee Capaldi inquired if the groups who have implemented a Wellness Program have seen a decrease in their premiums.  Ms. Stimmel stated that some of their premiums have gone down, some are self funded and some have not had a great experience but they stuck it out and they are still with it.  Trustee Capaldi inquired what incentive employer’s have with the new health care law to reduce health care costs.  Ms. Stimmel stated that as the claims experience goes down the money that Aultcare is able to charge the Township is going to go down.  Trustee Capaldi asked Ms. Stimmel to explain more about the law requiring insurance company’s to meet certain standards.  Ms. Stimmel explained that Aultcare has always anticipated that their break even line is an eighty-five percent (85%) loss ratio which means that Aultcare pays out $0.85 for every dollar that the Township pays them.  The government is requiring that the insurance companies pay $0.85 for every dollar which is what Aultcare has already been doing.  Trustee Capaldi inquired if there is any negotiation on the price.  Ms. Stimmel stated that they only thing that she can do is ask her boss but typically the price is not negotiated.  Trustee Capaldi inquired if Ms. Stimmel had any referrals for no cost programs for the employer’s that can not afford to pay the $55.00 per employee per month.  Ms. Stimmel stated that she is not aware of any no cost programs in the area but she had some suggestions if the Township had a Wellness Committee that could be addressed, for example preventative care.

Trustee Capaldi asked Administrator Fetzer to forward the Wellness Program information to Chief Martin.  The Board thanked Mr. Fisher, Ms. Stimmel, Ms. Brown and Mr. Joseph for the presentation.


Public Speaks on items up for Board Approval: None.

Township Business requiring Board Action:

Unfinished Business:

New Business:

Trustee Laubacher made a motion to approve bills only in the amount of $14,272.47 for the week ending January 11, 2011; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Miss Capaldi, yes. 

Fiscal Officer: 

Police/ Road Levy Discussion

Mr. Schlegel stated that if the Township wants anything to appear on the May ballot it has to be done by February 2, 2011.  There are two (2) levies that are up that need to be placed on the ballot; Police Department 1.25 million and Road Department 2 million.

Trustee Laubacher stated that by law the Stark County Auditor has to prepare the calculations.  Mr. Hall explained that the Township has to have the Auditor calculate either the dollar amount or percentage.  The Auditor has ten (10) days to prepare that information.  If the Board would pass a resolution tonight Mr. Hall stated that he would hand carry it to the Auditor’s Office Wednesday, January 12, 2011 then hopefully the Auditor would have something for the Board’s meeting next Tuesday.  If that takes place then the Board can decide whether or not to place this item on the agenda or not.  If the Auditor would be on a delay then the next Board meeting will take place the day before the deadline which would still allow the Board enough time to meet the deadline.

Trustee Laubacher inquired if the Board could ask the Auditor to determine renewal and replacement figures for the Road Department levy.  Mr. Hall stated that if that is what the Board requests then that is what the Auditor’s Office will do.  Trustee Chessler stated that he took notes at the budget hearing regarding the Road Department and Mr. Schlegel indicated that the state is steady but it will go down next year and continue because of the decrease in personal property tax.  Mr. Schlegel stated that was correct.  Trustee Chessler stated that he is concerned about the Road Department and the staffing level as it is top heavy when compared to other departments comparable to Perry Township throughout Stark County.  Trustee Chessler stated that he doesn’t know how Perry Township can go to the taxpayers and ask for any money unless “we get our own house in order and start looking at some things to restructure this department so that we can say to the people that we are lean and mean.”  Trustee Chessler stated that he doesn’t see that and at this point he isn’t even in support of looking at a renewal until the Township has some evaluation of the current Road Department budget and looking at a few years into the future because it is not good.  Trustee Chessler stated that it is frustrating because the Board discussed this in December and now at the last minute this comes about.  The status of the Road Department is a serious matter.  Trustee Chessler stated that Mr. Schlegel informed the Board in December that the Road Department has just enough to pay salaries.

Trustee Laubacher explained that all the Board has to do this evening is authorize the Auditor is certify the amount.  Trustee Chessler stated that he understood that but he doesn’t feel that the Board has done what they could do to look at the Road Department and look at ways of restructuring it so that it can be sustainable without going to the taxpayers asking for more money.  Mr. Schlegel stated that this is the Road Levy money and no salaries are used out of this.  This is used to pave the roads, equipment and so forth.  Trustee Chessler stated that he understands that but the Road Department is currently under negotiations and it is not beyond the pail that some arbitrator could come in and tell the Township to do something that the Board promised the taxpayers decades ago that they wouldn’t do and that is to use that money for something other than paving and materials.  Even though the Board has made that commitment years ago the Board can not guarantee that will always be the case. 

Trustee Laubacher stated that if the Board does not do this, this year then next year the Township will not be able to pave any roads.  Trustee Chessler stated that if the Board does do this, he wants to be sure that the Board can go to the voters and say that they support the levy as a Board of Trustees because we have done all the things that we can do to make sure taxpayer dollars are going as far as they can.  Trustee Capaldi stated that the Board has had those discussions and in the current negotiations changes are being discussed and made.  Mr. Hall stated that was correct.  Trustee Chessler stated that he is not critical of his fellow members but he wanted it to be known publically that it is important in those negotiations that the Board have the cooperation and are on the same page in looking to make the department operate on a budget that is sustainable. 

Trustee Capaldi inquired the cost of a ton of asphalt.  Mr. Masalko stated that when the levy was first passed asphalt was $13.00 per ton but now it is currently $53.00 per ton.  Mr. Schlegel stated that this is the original levy from 1986 and it has just been renewed up until this point.  Also, Mr. Masalko did have an employee retire and that employee will not be replaced.  Mr. Schlegel stated that it is possible that another employee will retire within the next couple of years and suggested that the Board not replace that position either.  Mr. Hall stated that the addition of part-time employees is being discussed in negotiations, which is not being received well by the union but it is something that will be pressed until the end.  Trustee Chessler stated that the status of the Township’s budget is an item that the public should be aware of because the Board realizes how important it is to keep costs under control.  Mr. Hall stated that he could also explore and do a memorandum to the Board in anticipation of getting the Auditor’s certification back if the Board moves forward with this resolution as to whether or not the ballot language can be so restricted as to the 2 mill cannot be used for salaries.  Mr. Schlegel stated that he didn’t think that the language could be restricted on a renewal because it had to remain the same exact wording.  Mr. Masalko stated that the Road Department tried for a replacement levy several years ago and it failed.  Mr. Schlegel stated that was correct.

Trustee Capaldi inquired how far behind the paving schedule is and how much it would cost for paving if the Road Department stayed on schedule each year.  Mr. Masalko stated that the paving schedule is behind eighteen (18) years.  Trustee Laubacher stated that Mr. Masalko provided the Board with a diagram and spreadsheet explaining the paving schedule and so forth.  Mr. Schlegel stated that the levy was first approved at 2 mill.  Right now the effective millage is .945 mills.  Trustee Chessler inquired if the Road Department budget stayed the same every year how long would it be before the Township got every street paved and started on the second round.  Trustee Laubacher stated that Mr. Masalko budgeted $560,000.00 to pave roads in 2011.  Mr. Masalko stated that was correct but that won’t even pave half of the Township roads.  Trustee Chessler inquired how many miles of Township roads there are.  Mr. Masalko stated that there is 136 miles of Township roads.  Trustee Chessler inquired how much road $500,000.00 paves.  Mr. Masalko stated approximately five (5) miles.  Trustee Chessler stated that it would take twenty-seven (27) years to pave all of the Township roads.  Mr. Masalko stated that the Road Department needs to get back on a fifteen (15) year rotation.  Trustee Capaldi inquired how much the Road Department would need to get there.  Mr. Masalko stated that the Road Department would need a one million dollar program for approximately three (3) years. 

Trustee Capaldi inquired what percent of the budget is salary and benefits.  Mr. Schlegel stated that off the top of his head it is approximately fifty percent (50%).  Trustee Capaldi inquired if there would be enough savings to get from twenty-nine (29) years to fifteen (15) years if the Township split it down to where the Township’s peers are or a little less.  Mr. Schlegel stated that the Township is going to continue to lose personal property tax for the next six (6) years.   Trustee Laubacher stated that this is why he feels it is important to find out what the Auditor comes up with for a replacement and a renewal and to look into restricting the language so that the money can not be used towards salaries. 

Mr. Hall stated that the Road Department would have to cut the work force by half to get paving money.  The Road Department would have to go from a twelve (12) member crew to a six (6) member crew.  Trustee Capaldi stated that is less than Perry Township’s peers.  Trustee Chessler suggested that the Road Department needs are seasonal and asked Mr. Masalko to come up with a chart so that the needs can be assessed.  Mr. Hall stated that he would work with Mr. Masalko and Mr. Schlegel to come up with the numbers.

Trustee Capaldi stated that the other matter is the 1.25 mill police levy.  The Board is comfortable with the current staffing level at the Police Department.

Trustee Laubacher made a motion that the Board authorize Mr. Hall to have the Stark County Auditor certify the amount/percentage of the 2.0 mill Road Department renewal levy/ replacement levy and the 1.25 Police Department renewal levy; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.

Trustee Capaldi verified that the Board cannot restrict the language on a levy that limits the utilization of the funds.  Mr. Hall stated that is correct.  Trustee Laubacher is asking that the Auditor certify a replacement and a renewal.  When that information comes back, the Board will have to discuss what should be done, if anything, for the May primary. 

ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Miss Capaldi, yes. 

Trustee Laubacher made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 4, 2011 Regular Meeting minutes; Seconded by Trustee Capaldi.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Miss Capaldi, yes. 


Consider Ranking of Tenant Farmer Proposals for Fasnacht Farm

Administrator Fetzer stated that on December 7, 2010 three (3) tenant farmer proposals were submitted to the Board for their review; Craig Steigerwald, Paul Bender and Cary Coates.  Mr. Nick Morris from Stark County Park District completed his ranking sheet and felt that Mr. Steigerwald stood out among the three (3) applicants.  Trustee Capaldi inquired if Mr. Morris or the committee interviewed the applicants to make the recommendation or if it was just merely on paper.  Administrator Fetzer stated that it was just for recommendation and she didn’t know if the Board wanted to interview all three (3) applicants or just the applicant that seemed most applicable.  Trustee Capaldi inquired if there would be a cost to the Township if the Board decided to move forward with this project.  Mr. Hall suggested that the Board rank the applicants and then negotiations can begin.  Trustee Capaldi inquired if there were any problems identified by the home inspection.  Administrator Fetzer stated that nothing was identified through the home inspection.  Trustee Capaldi stated that the home has no furniture and inquired if the selected applicant would be expected to furnish it.  Administrator Fetzer stated that is a good question and if the Board hasn’t had to opportunity to rank the applicants then all three (3) applicants could be interviewed.  Trustee Capaldi stated that she has a problem with entering into an agreement with someone that she doesn’t fully understand the need for nor does she want to pick someone without knowing what needs done to the home.  Administrator Fetzer stated that the proposal left the issue wide open.  Mr. Steigerwald stated in his proposal that there is nothing that the Township would have to do but he would consider a small fence to alleviate the problem with raccoons and groundhogs.  Trustee Laubacher stated that one of the applicants wasn’t happy with the condition of the kitchen.  Trustee Capaldi stated that Mr. Steigerwald seemed to be the only applicant that was satisfied with the interior.

Trustee Capaldi inquired if the Township has identified any costs that they are going to have.  Administrator Fetzer stated that the Township has not identified any costs.  Trustee Chessler stated that it is going to be a lot of work to negotiate the agreement with one of the applicants.  Once a person is selected then everyone can get together and go through a master list of things that the Township and the applicant need to agree on.  Mr. Hall stated that there is a certain amount of guidelines that the Board has established.  In this instance, the Board gave very broad guidelines and have requested that the applicants set the parameters and give some ideas.  The Board may begin the discussion as part of the evaluation process with the number one ranked person and then either identify the person for the Board or for that individual a stemming block to determine if that individual will work out.  If not, then the Board can move on to the next individual and start the process again.  If the Board goes through all three (3) applicants and has not come to an agreement or selection then the Board has two (2) options.  One, the Board can go back to the first individual and try to resolve that item or come up with new parameters and advertise another round of proposals.  Mr. Hall stated that it is not an efficient process but it is the statutory process. 

Trustee Capaldi inquired where the seven (7) acres of land that the tenant farmer would be responsible for is located.  Trustee Laubacher state that it is south of the house and up the hill.  Trustee Capaldi stated that right now the Parks Department is maintaining the land which will be a reduction to the Township once the tenant farmer takes over.  Administrator Fetzer stated that was correct. 

Trustee Laubacher suggested that the committee meet with the applicants by how they are ranked and bring their recommendations back to the Board.  Trustee Capaldi inquired if the Board needs to make a motion to rank the applicants.  Mr. Hall stated that was correct.

Trustee Capaldi made a motion that the Board rank the tenant farmer RFP for Fasnacht Farm Park with No. 1 Craig Steigerwald, No. 2 Paul Bender and No. 3 Cary Coates and proceed in that order to negotiate the possible agreement; Seconded by Trustee Chessler.

Trustee Laubacher inquired if the Board needs to determine a time line.  Trustee Capaldi stated that Mr. Morris has provided the Board with some guidance.  Administrator Fetzer stated that the RFP stated that the applicants would be selected or rejected within sixty (60) days which puts the deadline at approximately February 14, 2011.  The Board agreed to discuss this matter again at the February 8, 2011 Work Session.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Miss Capaldi, yes. 

Consider Park Assessment Needs

Trustee Capaldi stated that she asked for this item to be on the agenda because there are some grant funding possibilities for Fasnacht Farm Park.  Trustee Capaldi stated that she wanted the Board to identify the needs in other parks before there is an allocation of funds.  Currently, Summerdale Park has no playground equipment.

Trustee Laubacher stated that he and Miss Dean have been looking for grants online.  Administrator Fetzer stated that “Kaboom” is a website that lists certain grants when they are available.  Home Depot, Target and Lowes offer grants as well but they aren’t available until later in the year.  Administrator Fetzer stated that she met with Connie Ruban of Stark Parks and she directed the Township to a website that has a variety of grants for playground equipment.

Trustee Capaldi said that currently grant possibilities are being sifting through to see what is available for the Township.  Administrator Fetzer stated that a gentleman is stopping by on Friday to bring information regarding playground equipment and grants.  He is from the same company that the Township utilized for Perry Park.  Trustee Capaldi stated that she spoke with the church group at Perry Christian Church and currently they don’t have the money but they have the manpower to help.  Perry Rotary is another resource that may be able to help as well.  Trustee Laubacher stated that he would send a letter to Perry Rotary.  Trustee Capaldi suggested sending a letter to the Eagles as well. 

Trustee Laubacher stated that the tennis courts are in great need of improvement.  Trustee Capaldi suggested that one (1) representative from the Township can meet with the schools to discuss the challenges to see what they have to say.  Trustee Laubacher stated that he will have a meeting with the schools and will bring information back to the Board.  Trustee Capaldi stated that the Township has no money to put toward the tennis courts so the schools can either pay to fix the tennis courts or it will not get done.  The Township may want to look into re-negotiating the lease.  Trustee Chessler stated that he can remember a time where the schools were in financial restraint and the Township was not so the Township took over the land between Edison Jr. High and Perry High.  That is not the case anymore.  Trustee Capaldi inquired if the Township can be sued for cracks in the tennis courts.  Mr. Hall stated that the Township could be sued but has all kinds of immunities and defenses but that doesn’t stop someone from bringing a claim.  If the courts are that bad then the Township should close them to public use.  Trustee Chessler stated that he recalled the problem last time was that the Township wanted to provide recreational courts where the school wanted competition quality courts.  The money difference between the two is pretty significant.  Trustee Chessler stated that if there is a hazard out on the courts then the Township is opening up for a potential claim.  Trustee Capaldi stated that the Board needs to address this matter as soon as the snow melts.

Trustee Laubacher inquired about the spouting damage on the west side of the building at Meredith Park.  Mr. Shreffler stated that the spouting came down last winter.  Trustee Laubacher inquired if the damage would be covered by insurance or if it was too late.  Administrator Fetzer asked Mr. Shreffler to complete an insurance claim form, and she would submit the insurance claim to the township’s insurance company to see what can be determined.  Trustee Laubacher inquired if the spouting was necessary.  Mr. Shreffler stated that not replacing the spouting wouldn’t hurt anything.  Trustee Chessler inquired if the water drains out into the parking lot.  Mr. Shreffler stated that the water drains into the grass because there is only grass on the west side of the building.  Trustee Capaldi stated that the Township can see if the insurance will cover it.  If not, then the spouting can just be crossed off the list.  Trustee Laubacher inquired about the painting of the garage at Perry Park.  Mr. Shreffler stated that the Park’s Department could probably re-paint the garage themselves.  Administrator Fetzer stated that the Township was contacted by a paint company who would be willing to donate paint to assist in our park maintenance.

Administrator Fetzer explained that the Board has two (2) grants opportunities as of February 1, 2011 through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR).  The Land and Water Conservation grant is up to $140,000.00.  This grant is a 50/50 match.  If the Board applies for this grant the Township’s match will be $70,000.00.  The Nature Works grant is also due on February 1, 2011 and is $51,000.00.  It is a twenty-five percent (25%) match therefore the Township would be responsible for $12,750.00.  The Clean Ohio Trails grant application is due February 1, 2011.  Administrator Fetzer stated that she spoke with Mr. Bob Fonte from Stark County Parks and they are interested in partnering with Perry Township on this grant.  It is a twenty-five percent (25%) match but the grant amount is unknown at this time.

Administrator Fetzer requested that the Board make a motion in support of the grant applications in the minimum amount of $82,750.00.  Trustee Capaldi inquired if Stark Parks would go ahead with the Nature Work’s grant if Perry Township didn’t.  Administrator Fetzer stated that Mr. Fonte has asked Perry Township to take the lead with that particular grant.  Trustee Capaldi stated that she and Administrator Fetzer had discussed the idea of making the matches through free labor.  Administrator Fetzer stated that was correct.  For example, the Township could take the hours the tenant farmer uses to prepare the land and it would be a non-skilled labor at $12.00 an hour or if an excavating company donated their equipment or services and use that towards the Township’s match dollars.  That is referred to as an in kind donation. Trustee Capaldi stated that the Nature Work’s grant seems like it would be the easiest one for the Township to meet. 

Administrator Fetzer stated that Trustee Capaldi had previously inquired as to whether the grant writer preparation could be utilized as an in kind donation, or covered within the grant request.  ODNR stated that they do not allow for such expenditures because their grant applications are user friendly and do not require a grant writer. The Land and Water Conservation grant and the Nature Work’s grants are very similar.  There are thirteen pages that need to be completed and returned to ODNR.  ODNR uses a ranking system to determine what entities would be awarded the grants. 

Trustee Capaldi inquired what Ms. Ruban thought the Township’s chances were on getting the grants.  Administrator Fetzer stated that Ms. Ruban did not offer her opinion as to what the chances were of obtaining grant funding, rather she provided her suggestions regarding engaging the community to involve them in fund raisers towards ball fields, breaking phase 1 into smaller sections, and provided some grant sites that may be an option to our township.

Trustee Laubacher stated that he would like Administrator Fetzer to try for the Nature Work’s grant.  Trustee Capaldi inquired if the painting of the small farm house and donation of the gravel could be used toward the in kind donation for the grant match.  Administrator Fetzer stated that she would inquire about that option.  Trustee Capaldi stated that she is concerned about starting on another park when Summerdale Park currently has no park equipment.  Administrator Fetzer stated that both ODNR grants can also be applicable for Summerdale Park.

Mr. Schlegel stated that Administrator Fetzer has gotten the Township $50,000.00 from ODNR that the Township did not budget for.  Part of this money can be used for anything the Board wants.  Trustee Capaldi stated that she is leaning towards improving other parks and getting them up to par before the Board starts on something new.  Trustee Chessler stated that he is in favor of trying to leverage the Township’s money to get the most money as possible.  Trustee Capaldi suggested that the Nature Work’s grant be applied to Summerdale because the funds received could be used to replace the whole park.  Trustee Chessler inquired if the Township could submit competing applications.  Administrator Fetzer stated that was a good question and she would inquire about that option.

Administrator Fetzer explained to Fiscal Officer Schlegel that the ODNR grant options are reimbursable grants. The Township would have to front the money and be reimbursed by ODNR at the completion of the project.

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board authorize the Administrator to take the steps necessary to submit an application for a Nature Work’s grant in the amount of $63,750.00 with a Township 25% match of $12,750.00 and if rules allow to submit dual applications for both Summerdale and Fasnacht Farm Park but the primary purpose of the Nature Work’s grant to be for Summerdale Park.  The Board also requests that the Administrator acquire more information for purposes of determining whether the Board will apply for a Clean Ohio Trail grant; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Miss Capaldi, yes. 

Consider Waiver Resolution Regarding Tenant Farmer

Administrator Fetzer stated that she and Trustee Laubacher spoke with Mr. Fasnacht about the plan to have a tenant farmer and asked him if he would agree to waive whatever monthly fee would be paid to the Township.  Those funds would go directly into the Fasnacht Farm maintenance account.  Mr. Fasnacht did agree which was shared with Mr. Hall.  Mr. Hall drafted a resolution regarding a waiver for the Board’s review. 

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board authorize the Board President to enter into an agreement with Mr. Fasnacht for a waiver of relinquishment and remittance of any potential fees or compensation coming to the Board for Fasnacht Farm; Seconded by Trustee Capaldi.

Trustee Laubacher stated that he and Administrator Fetzer only discussed the rent with Mr. Fasnacht.  Mr. Hall stated that he included rent, payments or other income because at this point the Township doesn’t know what exactly those may be.  The intent is for the money to go into a maintenance account for Fasnacht Farm Park. 

 ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Miss Capaldi, yes. 

Fire Department:

Police Department: None.

Road Department: None.

Law Director: None.


Consider Alternate Position to Board of Zoning Appeals

Trustee Laubacher stated that he went through the resumes of the seven (7) individuals that applied for the Board of Zoning Appeals vacancy and feels that Mr. Keith Holland would best suite the position.  Trustee Chessler and Trustee Capaldi agreed.

Trustee Chessler made a motion that the Board of Trustees extend an offer to Keith Holland to serve as the alternate on the Board of Zoning Appeals for the term commencing January 1, 2011; Seconded by Trustee Laubacher.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Miss Capaldi, yes. 

The Board asked Mr. Weckbacher to send a letter to the applicant notifying them of their decision.

Parks: None.

Executive Session(s):  None.

Department Matters Not Requiring Board Action:

Administration: None.

Fire Department: None.

Parks/Recycling: None.

Police Department: None.

Road Department: None.

Law Director: None.


Public Speaks-Open Forum: None.


With nothing further to come before the Board, Trustee Chessler made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:07pm; Seconded by Trustee Capaldi.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Laubacher, yes.  Mr. Chessler, yes.  Miss Capaldi, yes. 

Lee C. Laubacher, President                                 

 Joe Schlegel, Fiscal Officer